When Every Minute Counts

It is a part of our CSR initiatives that allows blood donors and receivers to connect on our platform.

It is our effort to make human life better as when in emergency each drop counts and every second matters. According to surveys, about 5 crore units of blood is required every 3 seconds in our country, only half of which is available. We are just doing our bit by providing a platform to the donors, seekers and blood banks to easily communicate when needed.

How it works?


Blood donors and blood seekers can register on our platform by entering their personal credentials like, name, age, gender, blood group, user type and contact details.


Once registered successfully, users can login to our platform by entering their login credentials.


A user can view blood request, add donation history, raise need, find blood bank or donor on our platform.

Find donor

Select the blood group required and choose range (in Kms), within which blood is required. The system will display donors as per your search criteria.

Find blood bank

Select your preferred area range and the system will list out all available blood banks within your search criteria. You will also find the contact details of the blood banks near you.

Post request

When posting a request, the system will ask you all important questions related to the requirement—blood group, reason, type, patient ID, name of the contact person, contact number, requirement date and hospital name.